Command & Conquer Red Alert

Command & Conquer Red Alert 1.0

Imagen Command & Conquer Red Alert 1.0
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Strategy, battles and military confrontations"

Command & Conquer Red Alert is a real-time strategy video game that places us in a hypothetical war between allies and Soviets in Russian lands, where the least you will spend will be very, very cold.

To celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of this game its creators make it available to users free of charge. You can create your own army, manage the base camp and participate in various ambushes, either by land aboard tanks and tanks, by sea in the largest aircraft carriers and air from bombers, helicopters and other flying war gadgets.

It is compatible with Windows XP but you must have activated the compatibility mode with Windows 95 and install the patch that comes with the program for that purpose.

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Images of Command & Conquer Red Alert

Command & Conquer Red Alert - Image 1 Command & Conquer Red Alert - Image 2